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What to Include in a TN Visa Employer Letter

Hiring International Candidates

As part of the cross border trade and economic trilateral agreement, the United States, Mexico, and Canada have an agreement under NAFTA that allows citizens to work within each country.

The TN Visa Letter must be provided as part of a TN visa application. This is the principle document that is required for the application.

This ebook will walk you through the eligibility requirements for a TN visa, the TN application process, and what’s required in a TN visa employer letter.

Check and Check Again 

If you want to hire a foreign worker, you’ll have to jump through several hurdles and hoops before being legally allowed to do so. 

The rules can be complex, change on a dime, and can result in human resources nightmares if applications are completed incorrectly. 

Before writing the letter, employers should verify that employees are eligible per current rules and guidelines. 

Please keep in mind that rules are subject to change. If you DIY your international human resources recruitment, you’ll want to confirm that no changes have occured.